Leyn Shakhtour1 and Nargiz Muganlinskaya2*
1The George Washington School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Washington, DC, USA
2Department of Medicine, Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center, Annapolis, MD, USA
*Corresponding author: Nargiz Muganlinskaya, Department of Medicine, Luminis Health Anne Arundel Medical Center, 2001 Medical Pkwy, Annapolis, MD, USA. E-mail: muganlinskaya@gwu.edu
Received: September 29, 2023; Accepted: October 08, 2023; Published: October 20, 2023
Citation: Shakhtour L, Muganlinskaya N. Acute Liver Failure: A Rare Complication of Hepatic Metastasis. Clin Image Case Rep J. 2023; 5(10): 351.