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Case Report

Volume 3, Issue 2 (February Issue)

Atypical Pneumonia in Patient with Serratia odorifera: A Rare Association

Alexandre Manuel Carvalho da Silva Almendra*, Joana Barbosa, Diana Organista, Carlos Carvalho, Tiago Abreu, Leonor Mota, Julio Semedo and Cristina Barbara

Chest Department, Lisbon North University Hospital Center, Pulido Valente Hospital, Portugal

*Corresponding author: AMC da Silva Almendra, Chest Department, Lisbon North University Hospital Center, Pulido Valente Hospital, Portugal, Tel: +351911091766; E-mail:

Received: December 23, 2020; Accepted: December 31, 2020; Published: February 05, 2021

Citation: AMC da Silva Almendra, Barbosa J, Organista D, et al. Atypical Pneumonia in Patient with Serratia odorifera: A Rare Association. Clin Image Case Rep J. 2021; 3(2): 139.

Atypical Pneumonia in Patient with Serratia odorifera: A Rare Association

Serratia odorifera, a member of the Enterobacteriaceae family, was first described in 1978 by Grimont et al. Although, Serratia marcescens is a well-known and most commonly isolated pathogen, other species such as S. odorifera are rarely isolated and seldom cause infection in humans. This clinical case emphasizes a rare association of S. odorifera infection with diffuse pulmonary involvement. Clinical cases that report this association are rare. The isolation of this agent in respiratory secretions should not be considered colonization but should be interpreted in the clinical context of the patient.

Keywords: Serratia odorifera; Atypical pneumonia; Ground-glass opacification