T. Gambichler1,2*, Y. Arafat1, L. Hoffmann1, E. Schmidt3 and S. Boms1
1Department of Dermatology, Christian Hospital Unna, Unna, Germany
2Skin Cancer Center, Department of Dermatology, Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany
3Deptment of Dermatology and Lubeck Institute of Experimental Dermatology, University of Lubeck, Lubeck, Germany
4Nord West Histo, Westerstede, Germany
*Corresponding author: Thilo Gambichler, Skin Cancer Center, Department of Dermatology, Ruhr-University Bochum, Gudrunstra ße 56, 44791 Bochum, Germany. E-mail: t.gambichler@klinikum-bochum.de
Received: December 30, 2022; Accepted: January 09, 2023; Published: January 15, 2023
Citation: Gambichler T, Arafat Y, Hoffmann L, et al. Brunsting-Perry Pemphigoid Mimicking Erosive Pustular Dermatosis of the Scalp. Clin Image Case Rep J. 2023; 5(1): 291.