Gospodinovic H1*, Grego E1, Jovanovic V2 and Jovanovic S3
1Department of Molecular Microbiology, IPH Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
2Center for Disease Control, IPH Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia
3Student of the PhD Program at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia
*Corresponding author: Gospodinovic H, Department of Molecular Microbiology, IPH Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia. E-mail: hristina_gospodinovic@batut.org.rs
Received: September 15, 2022; Accepted: September 26, 2022; Published: October 05, 2022
Citation: Gospodinovic H, Grego E, Jovanovic V, et al. Covid 19 Diagnostics: Images of the Borderline Ct Values and Resolution Through Retesting. Clin Image Case Rep J. 2022; 4(10): 267.