Elie Karam*, Joseph Asmar, Joseph Sader and Jacques Ballout
Interventional Cardiologist at Centre Hospitalier de l’Agglomération de Nevers (CHAN), France
*Corresponding author: Elie Karam, Interventional Cardiologist at Centre Hospitalier de l’Agglomération de Nevers (CHAN), 1Avenue Patrick Guillot, 58000 Nevers, France. E-mail: eliekaram90@hotmail.com
Received: March 06, 2023; Accepted: March 17, 2023; Published: April 05, 2023
Citation: Karam E, Asmar J, Sader J, Ballout J. Intracoronary Tirofiban and Deferred Angioplasty in the Management of STEMI with Large Thrombus. Clin Image Case Rep J. 2023; 5(3): 309.