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Case Series

Volume 5, Issue 4 (April Issue)

Intracoronary Tirofiban and Deferred Angioplasty in the Management of STEMI with Large Thrombus

Elie Karam*, Joseph Asmar, Joseph Sader and Jacques Ballout

Interventional Cardiologist at Centre Hospitalier de l’Agglomération de Nevers (CHAN), France

*Corresponding author: Elie Karam, Interventional Cardiologist at Centre Hospitalier de l’Agglomération de Nevers (CHAN), 1Avenue Patrick Guillot, 58000 Nevers, France. E-mail:

Received: March 06, 2023; Accepted: March 17, 2023; Published: April 05, 2023

Citation: Karam E, Asmar J, Sader J, Ballout J. Intracoronary Tirofiban and Deferred Angioplasty in the Management of STEMI with Large Thrombus. Clin Image Case Rep J. 2023; 5(3): 309.

Intracoronary Tirofiban and Deferred Angioplasty in the Management of STEMI with Large Thrombus

Tirofiban is an anti GPIIb/IIIa drug that has been widely used to decrease thrombus burden during ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) angioplasty. However, the co-administration of an intravenous and intracoronary dose of Tirofiban, along with a deferred angioplasty strategy is rarely adopted. Herein, we present a case series of 6 STEMI patients with large thrombus burden, treated by deferred stenting and Tirofiban administration. The clinical outcome of those patients can so be improved by reducing the risk of slow and no flow.

Keywords: Tirofiban; Deferred angioplasty; Intracoronary; STEMI