Diabetes and Endocrinology Case Reports Journal publishes case reports in diabetes, images in endocrinology, endocrine system, case series and clinical videos. Diabetes is a broad spectrum of metabolic diseases, characterized by impaired glucose metabolism. In addition to metabolic pathways, these diseases also manifest hormonal disturbances. Diabetes and Endocrinology Case Reports Journal present the latest developments in the fields of Diabetes and Endocrinology. Ancillary topics such as metabolism and diabetic complications are also covered under the scope of these Journals. Diabetes and Endocrinology Case Reports Journal contribute to the discussion of various treatment strategies and identification of potential diabetic agents. By virtue of publishing formats such as reviews, commentaries, and news and views, these journals encapsulate the latest developments in Diabetes research, and further new hypotheses in order to provoke scientific debates amongst scholars.
Manuscript Submission
Journal accepting submission of endocrinology case reports for publication by using Online Manuscript Submission Portal: https://www.literaturepublishers.org/submit.html
(or) also invited to submit through the Journal E-mail Id: editor.cicrj@literaturepublishers.org
Journal of the Pancreas
Journal of the Pancreas is a peer reviewed, open access periodical which disseminates scientific information among the medical scientists and researchers in the relevant areas. The journal considers a wide range of topics in the realm of biomedical sciences which includes but not limited to the entire spectrum of the pancreatic gland aspects: Pancreas, Pancreatitis, Pancreas Function, Acute Pancreatitis, Chronic Pancreatitis, Pancreatic Cancer, Diabetic Mellitus, Autoimmune Pancreatitis, Pancreatic Pseudocyst, Islet Cell Carcinoma, Pancreas Transplantation, Cystic Fibrosis, Pathophysiology, Artificial Pancreas, Pancreatic Disorders.
Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy
Journal of Obesity and Weight Loss Therapy is a peer reviewed, open access periodical which disseminates scientific information among the medical scientists and researchers in the relevant areas. The journal considers a wide range of topics in the realm of biomedical sciences which includes but not limited to Anti Obesity Medication, Bariatric Surgery, Best Ways to Lose Weight, Child Obesity Statistics, Comorbidities of Obesity, Diabetes and Obesity, Diabetic Diet, Etiology of Obesity, Exogenous Obesity, Fat Burning Foods, Gastric By-pass Surgery, Genetics of Obesity, Global Obesity Statistics, Gynoid Obesity etc.
Endocrinology & Diabetes Research
Endocrinology & Diabetes Research is an eclectic as well as focused journal intending to publish high quality manuscripts from basic, fundamental, applied research in Endocrinology. The journal provides Hybrid Open Access platform to publish the original research articles and provides the rapid dissemination of significant research in in the mode of research articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. and making them accessible online.
Journal of Clinical and Molecular Endocrinology
Journal of Clinical and Molecular Endocrinology is an open access and peer reviewed journal that aims at providing genuine and complete information regarding the functioning, dysfunctioning of hormones at cellular as well as molecular level and other related informations; by publishing review papers, research articles, case reports, short communication, etc. Journal of Clinical and Molecular Endocrinology deals with various aspects like endocrine genetics, endocrine disorders, advances in endocrine treatment, thyroid endocrinology, endocrinology and metabolism, advances in endocrine diagnosis, subclinical hypothyroidism, etc.
Journal of Childhood Obesity
Journal of Childhood Obesity aims at providing complete and reliable information about the causes, cure, effects and prevention of childhood obesity and related effects by publishing articles, review papers, case reports and making them freely available for all. It involves the fields of pediatrics obesity, skinfold thickness and insulin resistance.
Journal of Obesity & Eating Disorders
Journal of Obesity & Eating Disorders is a peer-reviewed and open access journal with an aim to provide rapid and reliable source of information in the mode of original articles, review articles, case reports, short communications, etc. in all areas of the field and making them freely available through online without any restrictions or any other subscriptions to researchers worldwide. This scientific publishes all relevant topics in the area of obesity and eating disorders and the associated areas of obesity like metabolic disorders, childhood obesity, hypertension, cancer, diabetes, bone and joint problems, diet, Sedentary lifestyle, malnutrition and weight loss medication, etc.