Case Reports in Ophthalmology Journal publishes clinical ophthalmic images, case study, surgical research in anatomy, physiology and diseases of the eye parts. Ophthalmological medicine is a very crucial area of research. Eyes are one of the essential organs in any Human body, the need, and importance of studying it stand pivotal. Starting from the size and shape of an eye, moving onto its working and eventually diagnosing and finally treating them comes under in Ophthalmic Studies.
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Neuro Ophthalmology
Neuro ophthalmology specially deals with eye diseases with several neurological problems and several eye disorders. Neuro ophthalmology fall into two groups diseases affecting optic nerve and disease affecting eye movements.
Ophthalmic Surgery
Ophthalmic surgery also known as eye surgery are performed on the eye or its adnexa, typically by an ophthalmologist. There are different types of surgery performed by ophthalmologist.
Vision Rehabilitation
Vision rehabilitation is the process of treatment and education that helps individuals who are visually disabled attain maximum function, a sense of well being, a personally satisfying level of independence, and optimum quality of life. Function is maximized by evaluation, diagnosis and treatment including, but not limited to the prescription of optical, non-optical, electronic and/or other treatments. The rehabilitation process includes the development of an individual rehabilitation plan specifying clinical therapy and/or instruction in compensatory approaches.
Eye Disorders & Vision
Eye Disorders is the branch of the ophthalmic research which encompass the study and research on eye-related disease which leads to the loss of vision.
Glaucoma is a group of ocular disorders which apparent grey-green color of the eye suffering from an attack of acute narrow-angle glaucoma. Several pathologists characterized that diseases result in due to raised of interocular pressure of the eye.
Optometry is another type of health care profession which deals with eye and its related structures along with vision and visual system. Optometry person differs from the ophthalmic surgeon on the bases of their training and diagnose.
Ocular Immunology
Ocular immunology is a branch of medicine which deals with diagnosis the eye and treating the patients with inflammatory eye diseases and also deals with immunology impacts several eye diseases and disorders.
Visual Impairment
Vision science is the scientific study of vision. Vision science encloses all studies of vision, such as how human and non-human organisms to process visual information, how conscious visual perception works in humans, how to exploit visual perception for effective communication, and how artificial systems can do the same tasks. Vision science overlaps with or encompasses disciplines such as ophthalmology and optometry, neuroscience, psychology, optics and computer vision, etc.
Surgical Ophthalmology
It is branch of medicine deals with surgical procedures performed by the ophthalmologist. They are several surgical procedure deals by the ophthalmologist such as cataract surgery.
Cataract is nothing but a clouding of the lens in the eye that leads to decrease in the vision. It may affect both eyes or one eye.
Refractive Surgery
It is a surgical remodeling the refractive state of eye to eliminate dependency of glasses or contact lens. They are different types of refractive surgery to improve the vision such as Lasik surgery.
External Eye Diseases
External Eye Diseases have several genetic disorders that lead to external eye disease. External eye disease is contagious and requires antibiotic treatment. Some of the list of external eye disease are retinal disorders, tear disorders, cataract, refractive errors and corneal allergies.
Inflammatory Eye Diseases
The swelling in the ocular surface of the eye leads to disorders which have to treat immediately. Several inflammatory diseases occur due to the failure of autoimmune system in the eye. There are two types of inflammatory diseases such as Uveitis and Scleritis.
Occuloplastics are specialists in the remodeling of the per orbital and facial tissues including the eyelids, eyebrows, forehead, cheeks, orbit and also deals with recontruction eye and its associated structure.
Ophthalmic Genetics
Ophthalmic genetics is a branch of medicine which deals with genetics behind the eye disorders and eye diseases, It is also includes the several technique in correcting the defective gene.
Diabetic Retinopathy
Diabetic retinopathy is the most common legal blindness disease which occurs between the ages of 20 to 65 years. Diabetic retinopathy is the most serious ocular complication which may affected in other ways.
Ophthalmic Research
Ophthalmic research is a branch of medicine pertaining to eye which deals with anatomy and diseases. Ophthalmic research focus on the eye search, eye infection, eye diseases and eye surgery.
Its most common diseases due to misalignment of the eyes. It is due to failure three cranial nerves which are responsible for eye movements.
Ophthalmic Pathology
Ophthalmic pathology which deals with diagnosis of the neoplastic and non-neoplastic diseases of the eye. This ophthalmic pathologist work closely with ophthalmic surgeon but they encompass with the pathology concepts.
Ocular Oncology
Ocular oncology is the branch of medicine deals with the various cancerous tumors of the eye. some of the most common tumors of the eye is retinoblastoma.