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Case Reports in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Journal

Case Reports in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Journal accepted Psychological case study in diagnosis and treatment of mental illnesses by therapy & medications. Psychiatrists are physicians who specialize in using clinical practices in the treatment of mental illnesses and disorders, including bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders and addictions.

The main role for psychiatrists is to diagnose, assess, and treat mental health illnesses. Psychiatrists have a wide variety of available options and methods to treat their patients. Psychiatrists treat their patients using the appropriate combination of psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, medication, and hospitalization. Case Reports in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Journal is conducted with individuals, groups, couples and families. Psychotherapists help people to overcome stress, emotional and relationship problems or troublesome habits. There are many different approaches in psychotherapy, or talking therapies, which include: cognitive behavioral therapies, psychoanalytic therapies, psychodynamic therapies, systemic and family psychotherapy, arts and play therapies, humanistic and integrative psychotherapies, hypno-psychotherapy and experiential constructivist therapies.

Manuscript Submission

Journal accepting submission of Psychiatry case reports for publication by using Online Manuscript Submission Portal:

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Case Reports in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Journal