Journal of Tumor: Case Reports and Images accepting articles in the form of case reports in Tumor journal, case reports journal in Tumor, images in Tumor, imaging in Tumor, image journal of Tumor, imaging journal of Tumor etc. Journal of Tumor: Case Reports and Images covers the diagnosis, classification, and treatment of tumors. The major purpose of this journal is to publish clinically relevant information that will directly improve the care of patients with cancers and tumors. Journal of Tumor: Case Reports and Images welcomes original significant and up-to-date articles on all aspects of Cell tumor, Circulating tumor, Brain tumor, Neuroendocrine tumor, Tumor necrosis, Tumor microenvironment, Tumor DNA, Stromal tumors, Fibrous tumors, Tumor supressors, Wilms tumor, Tumor lysis, and related subjects like Oncology, Cancer biology and Radiology.
Journal Homepage:
Journal of Tumor: Case Reports and Images is an open access journal which covers different areas of all the tumors and cancer including breast cancer, prostrate, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, malignant tumor cells, brain tissue, neurofibromatosis, multiple endocrine neoplasia, meningioma, neuroblastoma, astrocytoma and brain neoplasm. The most common type of tumors are glioblastoma and glioma. A metastatic tumours are the cancer cells that develop in a body organ such as the lung can spread via direct extension, or through the bloodstream to other body organs such as the brain. Other types of tumors include skull metastasis, meningeal carcinomatosis, medulloblastoma and central neurocytoma.
Manuscript Submission
Authors may submit their manuscripts through the journal's online submission portal:
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