Clinical Images and Case Reports Journal | PubMed
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Where to Publish Case Reports

Where to Publish Case Reports? Authors are requested to submit medical and clinical case reports in Clinical Images and Case Reports Journal (CICRJ) for publication. Journal publishes articles in open access mode and using editorial management tool for peer review process. Authors can track their manuscript by using login ID sent to the registered email.

Manuscript Submission

Journal accepting submission of case report articles for publication through the journal's online manuscript submission portal:

(or) Send an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office E-mail Id:

Clinical Images and Case Reports Journal accepts cases in a wide range of clinical and non-clinical specialties, so there are opportunities for students, staff and faculty in medicine, nursing and public health. A full list of Clinical Images and Case Reports Journal specialties can be viewed on their Collections page. Clinical Images and Case Reports Journal makes it easy to submit cases by providing templates for full cases, "Images in" cases and global health cases. These templates can be accessed, along with additional guidelines for writing, on the Instructions for Authors page.

Case Reports offer unique value to the body of medical knowledge by describing new diseases, disease mechanisms, therapeutic approaches, and adverse or beneficial effects of drugs. The act of recording, discussing with colleagues, and publishing clinical observations as case reports remains essential to the art of medicine and patient care. These short communications generate or enforce hypotheses that may lead to further evaluation in larger study designs. In providing detailed descriptions of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of an individual patient, case reports reflect clinical experience and support medical progress.